Sunday, January 29, 2012


Way too big a part of my life!
Screens are on my bedroom windows, and bars, so I can keep my windows open and my door closed, keeping mosquitoes out. It is not always effective. After too many nights kept up by the buzzing, I finally got a mosquito net. PC had given us one, but it was too small for my bed. The tessabaan hung it for me and not to sound ungrateful, but it took 3 tries over a period of several weeks to keep it from falling down. Now it is great!
My kitchen and bathroom are open to the outside with the walls stopping a couple of feet below the roof. There is no way to keep the buggers out. The wall between the kitchen and my living room has concrete blocks with holes along the top. It helps airflow, but allows the mosquitoes to circulate into the main area of the house. Last September, a guy measured for a screen. Finally got installed this month, right before a visit from PC! A life changer. Before, I had mosquitoes every night at my dining table. I used citronella oil spray to keep them at bay somewhat, can’t find the candles.
My best and most often used weapon in my arsenal is the electric racket. Some days I zap over 100 mosquitoes, other days less. I haven’t figured out why some days are worse than others. There are definite mosquito seasons for different kinds of mosquitoes, but one is always in season! Currently they are big and black.
PC also gives us repellent. I don’t like to use it all the time, but I do spray my legs when I go to aerobics class. The class is outside at just the right time for the $%^^%$# little guys to wake up.
My system seems to have adjusted. I get bit but typically don’t react much. That is the good news. The bad news is one kind, I think it is the summer variety, carries dengue fever. A few volunteers have already dealt with it. When infected, you get a high fever with severe aches and pains but usually it passes in a week with no lingering effects. I am hoping to make it one more year without that drama!

The screen that changed my life!

The two very nice guys who hung in and finally got me a mosquito net!

Finished product

My favorite possession in Thailand and a sampling of the morning kill on my bathroom floor.

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