Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Addicted to Speed

If you know me well you know I move fast. I walk fast (unless walking with Thom or Patty when I actually walk faster it just seems slower!) and am most happy multi-tasking. I loved West Wing and always thought – I could work there, I walk fast! I landed in a culture that does not particularly have that mentality. I think the reason I love biking (alone) is that I can go fast. I also like aerobics – generally speaking that is when Thais move fast – not all, but most in the class. I loved water skiing trips growing up with uncles who would race their boats up and down the river in the afternoon, what a rush. Walking, working, biking, eating (I guess generally being with!) Thais sometimes drives me a little crazy…one of my challenges is to just jai yen yen (this is when my kids and perhaps others are rolling their eyes). The idea that I am in Thailand and can perhaps move slower, take it easier, just doesn’t work. My balat, city manager, likes to tell me “Don’t worry” “It will get done”!
I like that we are opening a library for many reasons, but if I am honest…there are a million little things to do to get it done. I think my coworkers shutter at my lists, agendas, and timelines – not very Thai!!

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