Monday, April 23, 2012

Khao Yai National Park

Khao Yai National Park is a World Heritage Site I had the good fortune to visit with some friends. We stayed at a very marginal hotel. However, the owner also gave amazing tours of the park, so I guess it was worth staying there, not totally convinced! He is an accountant by training, but now gives daily tours. Says he traded a cubicle for “this universe is my office” as he took us through the forest. He had a telescope that he would put our cameras up to so we got some great shots. He was as enthusiastic as we were every time we saw something. He had this knack of knowing where we would find animals and birds and interesting insects. At the end of the day, he and his buddies downloaded the day’s photos and compared what they saw to photos in their books. They were truly enthralled with their park – gratifying to see. Our PC group toured with Julian, a young man from Hong Kong, and Ian and Sasha, a young couple from Stonehenge. All contributed to making it a great trek!!! More on fb.
Horn bill
Leech, you'll notice in some photos our white leech protectors on our legs. The leeches were everywhere and we frequently picked them off our clothes and shoes. Poor Laurie had the misfortune to get one on her tummy!
The gibbons were amazing. This is the only place where black and white gibbons mix. We saw so many. I am sorry I couldn't get a photo of them swinging through the trees...spectacular!!!
Snack time eating trail mix and dark chocolate covered cranberries. The consensus was all wanted to adopt Kayley!!
Julian, me, Tammy, Ian, Sasha, Carol, Laurie, Marjey, Connie
Connie making friends with a scorpion!
Monitor Lizard
A beautiful spider

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