Thursday, April 7, 2011

OTOP Silk/Cotton

Frequently vendors come into the office selling everything from cooked corn on the cob to handmade wooden décor. Today a special group of older women came in. They are part of the local weavers OTOP group. OTOP is part of Thailand’s sufficiency economy project to encourage local communities to use their local resources and wisdom to make a living. OTOP – One Tambon, One Product, is known throughout Thailand. The government rates the products 1 to 5 stars. 5 stars mean the quality, marketing, and packaging qualifies for export. OTOPs are like co-ops with members who share costs and profits. There is also a basket weavers OTOP in my area that specializes in baskets for kaao-nii-ow (sticky rice), a local favorite. The father of my home stay family is part of the group. He is amazing to watch as he takes a long piece of bamboo and ends up with a basket. I’m attempting to capture each step in pictures, when I finish I will post.
But, the exciting part of this story is that I bought some silk to make a suit for Kristine and Steve’s wedding. It is a golden color, fitting their fall theme, with a pattern for the skirt and solid gold for the jacket. It was quite a scene as many of the staff walked away with all colors of silk and cotton fabric. The local tailors will be busy!

Buying & selling at the office

My fabric

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